Something I've read many times in online discussion groups about men painting their nails is 'How can I go out in public with my nails painted without getting ridiculed, pointed at etc?' So here's my answer-
Just do it. Ok, that sounds overly simple, but it really is that simple. But let me expand on that a little. The first time I was brave enough to go out in public with my painted toes showing I was SO NERVOUS. I just knew that everyone was going to notice, point, taunt me and laugh at me. Heck, I thought I might even get in a fight over it. So I went out trying to avoid people (at Wal Mart no less, lol) and was constantly ducking into another isle, turning away from others and I kept looking around to see who was noticing. In other words, I probably looked like I was there to commit a crime, lol. And guess what, I found quite a few people looking at me as if to figure out what I was up to, because I looked like I was up to something wrong.
Then I came home and removed the polish and didn't try that again for months. It actually took me years to realize, thanks to the internet, that there were a lot more guys who painted their toes or fingers than I ever imagined. So I started getting braver and would let my friends see my toes painted, and some made little jokes about it, but most thought it was cool that I was brave enough to do something like that since I obviously liked it. But I still rarely went out in public with them showing and was mostly a closet nail painter like I'm sure many of you reading this are.
Fast forward a couple of years to my 2nd wife who always told me I should just do what made me happy. Problem was I had a very conservative cowboy father who ridiculed any guy with an ear ring, long hair, etc. So there was no way he would think it was alright that I painted my toes. But then in 2007 my father passed away and I began to realize how short life was. I started thinking differently about a lot of things and realized I needed to live my life the way I wanted to and not the way I thought society wanted me to. So I began going out in public with painted toes and decided to act normal, and not look around to see who was staring, pointing etc. And guess what? I noticed that VERY FEW people noticed at all, and NO ONE ridiculed me, or any of my other fears. Yes, I still looked, but just casually and out of the corner of my eye, but mostly I acted like I wasn't doing anything wrong.
Now it's been around 4 years that I've been doing this, and I wear open toed sandals 99% of the time, so everyone can see, and I still haven't had one single real negative situation. Yeah, I've had a few negative comments, but it's all been from women who say something non offensive like 'I don't get it, but to each his own' or something similar. But I've had WAY more positive comments, mostly from women, but a few men too. The women think it's very cool that I'm brave enough to do this and you wouldn't believe how many have said that they wish their significant other would try it so their feet wouldn't be so crusty and yucky.
And my current wife loves it. She much prefers that I have my toes painted and thinks they look boring when not painted.
So how do you get away with it in public? Just do it. Really, it's that simple. Just go out in public and don't act like you're doing anything wrong. Walk with confidence and others will see you as a very brave person, and many will be jealous that their boyfriends or hubby's don't do it. And I can guarantee that many guys will be wishing they were brave enough to do it themselves. And if you catch someone staring, SO WHAT. Lifes to short to go through life trying to please the world. If you do that, you'll fail so why not please yourself. Painted nails can make you feel good about yourself, and they are just fun. Many guys are amazed how good their toes look painted and can't stop looking at them, so just do it, you'll love it.
So guys, get out there, hold your head up and you'll find that the issues you perceive are much more in your head than in reality.
Any other guys want to relate their experiences here?
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My normal male look with painted toes |
Then I came home and removed the polish and didn't try that again for months. It actually took me years to realize, thanks to the internet, that there were a lot more guys who painted their toes or fingers than I ever imagined. So I started getting braver and would let my friends see my toes painted, and some made little jokes about it, but most thought it was cool that I was brave enough to do something like that since I obviously liked it. But I still rarely went out in public with them showing and was mostly a closet nail painter like I'm sure many of you reading this are.
Fast forward a couple of years to my 2nd wife who always told me I should just do what made me happy. Problem was I had a very conservative cowboy father who ridiculed any guy with an ear ring, long hair, etc. So there was no way he would think it was alright that I painted my toes. But then in 2007 my father passed away and I began to realize how short life was. I started thinking differently about a lot of things and realized I needed to live my life the way I wanted to and not the way I thought society wanted me to. So I began going out in public with painted toes and decided to act normal, and not look around to see who was staring, pointing etc. And guess what? I noticed that VERY FEW people noticed at all, and NO ONE ridiculed me, or any of my other fears. Yes, I still looked, but just casually and out of the corner of my eye, but mostly I acted like I wasn't doing anything wrong.

And my current wife loves it. She much prefers that I have my toes painted and thinks they look boring when not painted.
So how do you get away with it in public? Just do it. Really, it's that simple. Just go out in public and don't act like you're doing anything wrong. Walk with confidence and others will see you as a very brave person, and many will be jealous that their boyfriends or hubby's don't do it. And I can guarantee that many guys will be wishing they were brave enough to do it themselves. And if you catch someone staring, SO WHAT. Lifes to short to go through life trying to please the world. If you do that, you'll fail so why not please yourself. Painted nails can make you feel good about yourself, and they are just fun. Many guys are amazed how good their toes look painted and can't stop looking at them, so just do it, you'll love it.
But, let me add a few more tips to pulling it off successfully in my little list -
- Do a VERY good job of painting your nails including all the proper prep, filing, callous removal etc. A poorly done pedicure/manicure with color just looks like lipstick on a pig. If you can't do a great job, go to a nail salon. The 1st time you'll be nervous, but it will be no big deal after that. I've gone dozens of times and often chat with women next to me who think it's very cool and wish their hubby would try it.
- Dress in your normal male garb. If you're also into some feminine clothes or shoes, great, me too, but if you don't want to stand out, dress like a guy who just happens to paint his toes.
- If you're in a relationship, go out with your wife/girlfriend as people pay less attention to you when you are with a woman and you can feel more confident that others wont label you as gay if you're not. Note that I have nothing against gays and have gay friends, but if you're straight, it can suck to be labeled as gay just because you wear nail polish, though I don't know of any situation where that has happened to me, just saying.
- Hold your head up and act confident. People perceive us the way we act, so act confident and if someone notices they'll just think you're a confident guy who paints his nails.
- When you're new to this, pick a fairly neutral color like dark blues, greys, browns etc. Stay away from reds, pinks and bright colors. Later, as you gain confidence, you'll find you can wear most any color without turning heads. I wear reds and pinks in public with no problem.
So guys, get out there, hold your head up and you'll find that the issues you perceive are much more in your head than in reality.
Any other guys want to relate their experiences here?
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