Here's a few examples of my feet painted in different colors to show how good it can look. Come on guys, give it a try, your feet will look so much better and you won't believe how much nicer your feet will look. If you don't want to look feminine, great, just do a nice job, pick a neutral color like blues, dark redish browns, black etc, and paint your toes but present yourself like you normally do, and you wont look feminine at all.
Here's one of my working on a job. I do construction work and always work in sandals, with my toes painted with no negative responses at all.
And I now work barefoot, in a kilt as shown in these pics
I have recently begun producing How To Videos for YouTube on the channel called
That Kilted Guy How Videos, wearing a kilt, and barefoot with my painted toes showing for all to see. Check out my videos using the link above.
That Kilted Guy How to Videos |
That Kilted Guy How to Videos |

Here's a few more random pics of my painted nails. These show how I've
been pushing the limits of fashion as well. I started wearing kilts and
now sometimes wear skirts. The skirts get more stares, but nothing
negative so far, and they are so comfortable. And when I wear shoes I
often wear pretty sandals I bought in the womens dept, but sometimes
still wear more rugged Chacos or something, as it just depends on my
mood. I've been doing all this for about 8 years now, or so, and I've
NEVER had one single negative encounter. The worst has been very mild
negative comments like 'I would never do that' or something so simple.
I think this color looks great on men and I LOVE these sandals. These were sold in the womens section, but I love them. I'm also wearing my favorite Birkenstock tobago sandals with one of my anklets. |
I love blues like this, but then I love a lot of colors, lol
Just a normal, casual male look, but with painted toes |
I love the look of these sandals, but they are about 1/2 size small, dang it. Came from womens section online. |
I love color, even pink, so I bought a pair of pink chacos I wear in public and love them |
A pinkish color I've worn, and one of my toe rings. |
Just a normal, casual male look, but with painted toes. |
Closeup showing how good your nails can look as a guy |
Sorry for the lower quality, but this is Borris and Natasha from OPIs Russian Collection |
I like the color nails, I really wish I had the guts to go out and do mine like yours. I do like wearing sandals and really admire really nice sandaled feet with nice looking toes. Keep up the trend. maybe it will pick up. BTW, why are men sandals so ugly?
I agree with you. I'm not gay but I love the way it looks too. I have worn painted nails in public & actually have gotten compliments from men & women. Just go for it. Life is to short to worry about what other people think. It's ok.
DeleteI'm in the same boat. been painting my nails for over 20 years, love sandals and spend as much time in them as possible and NEVER once had anyone say anything negative. in fact over the years i have received a bunch of compliments. mostly from women, curiously.
Deletemens feet dont look good in sandals cause most men dont care of them i do take care of mine not only for health but i like them to look good in all of my sandals as you probably do.
ReplyDeleteI think mens sandals are mostly boring because men are afraid of looking feminine. And cute sandals scare a lot of men so they just sell boring ones. It's all about the bottom dollar though. If men started buying prettier sandals they would label them as mens sandals and sell them in the mens section.
ReplyDeletei must say u have nice feet and my wife does the same to me she likes my legs shaved and toes shaved and she likes my back shaved and like to rub my feet and legs and i like panted toes and i think pink and cherry red looks well on me!
ReplyDeleteThat's Awsome. I'm also married & do the same thing. I remember after the very first time I shaved & couldn't go back to having all the hair. Shaving feels so much cleaner & manicured.
Deletei am a 23 year old male and i love polishing my nails and toes, my girlfriend doesnt condone it put doesnt tell me i cant. i was raised by my mom grand mother and aunt so i was raised painting nails doing hair and make up, i absolitely love doing these things and i love the way it looks along with the fact that i work on cars and get crud under my nails that even if i clean it it still has an ugly colored look that the polish covers. i have recently started wearing polish in public i use to take it off and only admire my nails at home, but why. i was scared. i did some research on the origin of nail polish and found that this was done by both men and women as a statement of class. so i looked further and almost everything that we are told is fem was once for men or included men especially in egypt. researching i have also found that there are many men that like to polish there nails or want to at least try it or have tried it. so dont be scared trust me you are not alone.
ReplyDeleteThat's great! Thank you for sharing.i also work on cars & work out side. I definitely can relate & understand. I also like to paint my nails. I'm married with two daughter's. If you want a good laugh painting my nails actually kept me from going to jail a couple of times, because my nails where painted I thought twice about kicking some people's asses. So, for me it was a great benefit! Lmao
Deletei am 16 year old male and my fav. colors are red pink and gold on my feet
ReplyDeleteI try to keep my nails painted all the time. My girlfriend loves it! She thinks my feet are so much prettier with them painted. I've tried several different colors. We prefer for brighter colors like pink, hot pink, and other bright neon colors. She actually can't stand for me not to have my toes painted. My only wish is that I could have the courage to go out in public with them showing. My biggest problem is what would my two sons say if they saw their dad painted his toes.
ReplyDeleteI understand that it might be hard but maybe they might feel the same way. Maybe you can offer a guys time for a manicure & or pedicure. Make a game of it & make a losers bet that the person has to paint their nails just for the weekend. Just an idea. I am married with two daughter's so it was a little easier for me. We just have painting parties. Lol
DeleteI do have one question for you. First, I really do admire your courage to go out in public as you describe. My toes are painted most of the time, but I'm not courageous at all about showing them off.
ReplyDeleteDo you ever paint your fingernails and go out in public? I love having them painted too, but didn't see much reference to it on your blog.
Thank you.
I occasionally paint my fingernails, but it's just not as satisfying for me, plus I do construction and it only lasts a few hours on a job. But yes I have gone out with painted fingernails a few times, but not enough to get a good feel for reactions.
DeleteI suggest going out with your toes showing sometime, but go somewhere like Wal Mart, Best Buy, etc. Then try to not really pay attention to others reactions or you'll look like your up to something. You'll probably find that no one really pays any attention to your painted toes.
I started with blue paint matching a blue collared button down shirt. It looked good & I was surprised that I received complements from both men & women. It was very comforting. I also started in places out of town so I didn't run into people I new. I had to get comfortable with it first. After a while you kinda forget that your wearing it & you can just be yourself. I hope this helps.
DeleteI had my toe nails painted black when I got a pedicure years ago. My wife asked me if I lost my mind. I like the look and wish I could wear it. I'm envious!!!
ReplyDeletei used to be scared to do it but one night i lost a bet and my girlfriend got to do any thing she wanted to me so she did my nails make and dress me up i felt really awkward but after a few days the nails grew on me and i like it so she kept it now im wearing metallic gold nails and i love them one day i will share a picture with you
ReplyDeletedo u ever see other guys in public wear it becaese i havent seen any one?
another thing i like is that people complement them
I've been painting my toes for about the last five years. Some curious looks from guys, approval from some women. Other women are very appaled by it. Mmm ... like women in pants?
ReplyDeleteI think it's really cool that guys getting into the trend painting their nails. I am in my 20s to 30s and I paint mines dark colors and go out in public. I get some faces and other some really nice comments like " you have sexy feet " or " you have good looking feet or cute toes". At first I had fear but then you get use to it and seen guys getting into the trend. So keep up guys and show your colors so guys can get into it. My opinion don't over do it. I personally also use toe ring but I don't combine both. I either paint my toes and not wear my ring or vice versa. You don't want to appear too much of a shocker but set a trend for macho dudes to get use to the style and then get into it. I use black, silver, blues, white, purple and browns. Same time I dress up a little bit hip hopish or rocker style so it can go together or compliment. Always keep in mind your outfits with the colors. Tip: does it look masculine enough for another straight guy to grow balls and copy off?. Sexual preference has nothing to do with you liking or enjoying painting your nails. It's just paint that is temporary. Guys paint their hair, use earrings, shave legs, tattoos also wear lycras or tight fitted clothing. So nail polish is not only for women.
ReplyDeleteyour feet are so gorgeous !
ReplyDeleteThey are
DeleteI just painted my nails for the 1St time today and I am NO homo but they look sexy!! !!!
ReplyDeleteI Love To Wear Nylons With My Painted Toes !!!
ReplyDeleteI love it as well. I look forward to when it is more acceptable in public.
DeleteI wanted to know when you started painting your nails?
ReplyDeleteI have only started in the last few years and I love it. I shave my entire body including under arms and legs I just love having no hair. I love painting my nails usually blue or red. I also like wearing panties and stockings. I just find them so sexy. This all started just in my late 50s but maybe I have repressed the desire until now I don't really know.
dark color nail polish does not look on me so i tried a shade of white and it looks good to me i have been wearing it for two weeks now. i would like to know two things first i would like to know why men do not wear toe nail polish in public ? and how many men wear white toe nail polish ?
ReplyDeleteI have been painting my toes for a couple of years. I wear toe rings. I shave from waist down. I have not had courage to display my toes in public. Any suggestions on over coming that fear?
ReplyDeleteJust do it! I had the same fear initially then realized that I didn't care what they thought. I like the way my toes look with polish and I'm not going to hide who I am. And my wife absolutely loves them as well. It has opened up more activities for us to do together.