I always find this to be an interesting question or opinion by some. There are those narrow minded people who will stereotype a man as gay if he does anything 'different'. Remember when all men who wore ear rings were
gay? Now we think nothing of it. It's really SO SILLY to label people based on things like how they choose to decorate themselves and painting our toes is just another form of decoration or a way of expressing our style. Or maybe it's simply something we like.
Red painted toes, a toe ring and jeans. A normal male look |
Oh my god, could it be that simple? Yes it can be. Painting your nails does not make you anything, not gay, not weird, not perverted and not a rock star, sorry if I burst your bubble on that one, lol. Painting your nails is no different than choosing a colored shirt, it's just color on your toes. Now granted, if you paint your toes and wear high heels, a skirt, makeup etc, then at some point you can start looking feminine to others. And if that's what you want, go for it, it's your life. But my point is that too many guys worry that they will look like a pansy or be perceived as
feminine for painting their toes, or fingers. But if you just paint your nails and don't take it further, you won't look feminine. I know a number of guys out there in cyberland who paint their toes, or finger, or both, and many are very manly otherwise. Like Jim who is somewhere around 6'6" tall and played college football for years (hope I have your facts right Jim) and he paints his nails all the time but otherwise looks and acts like a normal guy.
So painting your nails has NOTHING to do with sexual orientation. You can be straight, gay or bi and paint your nails, but painting them doesn't change who you are. And if others think it does, so what. Yeah, I'm sure many guys have walked past me in the past 4 years or so of going out in public with my painted toes showing and thought that I must be gay, or a pansy. But I really don't care, it's my life and I'm going to live it the way I like. Now on that note, for those of you new to my story, I've been going out with my painted toes showing for around 4 yrs or more and have NEVER had one really negative remark about my toes, from men or women, so it's much more in your head than in reality.
So many people are afraid of anyone that acts 'different' than the typical male so they are quick to judge. But do you really want to be friends with people like this anyway? Probably not. Hopefully you are more open minded than those people and are learning to judge others based on their personality and not on how they dress or decorate themselves, or even if they are gay or bi.
On that note, it's time for me to go repaint my toes in a really cool light metallic blue. And I'm straight, I do construction work and I have no fears of losing my masculinity, but I'm not afraid to have color on my toes.
Feel free to post your experiences on this subject as well. And guys, just do it, it's fun.
I'm having a wee interesting taste of this sort of perception= orientation thing right now because I decided to cut my hair very very short. I used electric clippers with a #8 guard and went to town and I LOVE IT. Now I'm told I have 'lesbian hair'. I just shrug and say, it is 97 degrees and I have COMFORTABLE HAIR. Its so boring to look at people and, based on how they choose to decorate themselves, to decide who they are without knowing them. People who do it miss out on a lot of cool people!
ReplyDeleteI also do construction work paving roads. I let my fiance pick the color normally we have matching color. We go once a month and get a pedicure. Im on my feet for atleast 12 hours a day or more. The pedicures make my feet feel alot better and don't hurt as much as they used to.
ReplyDeleteLast week during my pedicure had tried a new place they were shocked when both of us left with a French pedi. Thought it was funny that the girl doin my pedi told me i had women's feet. I have had them all colors name it have tried atleast once. I don't worry bout color if u drive a red car does that make u less of a man? Since that's mostly a girl color.
I began keeping my nails painted when one of my xes was painting her nails i commented how i liked the color. She asked if i wanted mine the same i said sure. Then she painted mine which shocked me didn't think she would. i thought she was just joking around. Even tho we both liked the way it looked on me. Since then i have kept them painted most of the time.
I really dont get where people are so put off because someone chooses to wear nail polish. I have done so on my toes and have even worn polish on my finger nails and went out into public...shopping centers, restraunts, gas stations, grocery stores etc...only comment was when I bought a blue polish the cashier commented that it would look good on me. I enjoy color and wearing sandals. My wife is ok with it, she sports both toe and finger polish as well, usually a shade of red, I go for other colors blues, purples, grays, maroons and I really enjoy turquoise, really stands out...nice spring color. keep wearing it, eventually the non believers will get over themselves and start to paint too or just stop bitching.
ReplyDeleteI'm just wondering. If I have painted my girlfriends nails before and let her paint mine when she wanted to. Should I be embarrassed to ask her to paint them for me this time if its something i really want? She has done my toes in so many different ways, and every time she did, I just felt twice more masculine cus I could actually wear it without letting anyone's opinion get to me.
ReplyDeleteIt seems obvious that she likes them painted, so I would just ask her to paint them when you feel like it. Let her know you really enjoy having her do that, and like them painted as well and it should go fine. Good luck.
ReplyDeleteHey its me again, I went for it and asked her to paint my toes a black or same as hers if she wished to and she declined the offer and said that i need to be more 'manly' about it. She never had a problem with it before?
ReplyDeleteMaybe get her to read this blog, or check out some flickr groups showing normal guys who paint their toes, and are still plenty manly. Here's a couple for you: http://www.flickr.com/groups/menwithpaintednails/
ReplyDeleteOr http://www.flickr.com/groups/menwithpaintedtoes/
Note that you'll also see guys who go more the route of crossdressing, but a lot of guys just paint their toes and dress and act normal. And in these flickr groups a lot of guys talk about this same thing.
I have bare feet 6 months of the year and have clear only, had a pedicure once and the girl was shocked but painted them for me. I have tried colour but any too chicken to go outside.
ReplyDeleteJust go ahead and do it. I'm the guy from above whose girlfriend wouldn't paint his toes. Well I asked her calmly and she said no, so i went out and got a mani and pedi and she doesn't care. It actually benefits her in other ways, she says
ReplyDeleteI love having painted toenails. I've been doing it for several years now.
ReplyDeleteAt the moment my toenails are a very bright red.
I'm 48 and have loved painted nails as long as I can remember but have only sported clear on public. A couple of weeks ago, I went with a neutral color and received no comments. Today, I'm wearing my toes in a metallic green and can't wait to go out and show them off. Thanks for the push I needed.
ReplyDeleteDrew, sounds like you're having fun with painting your toes, and that's a great feeling isn't it? Glad I was able to help you find the confidence you needed. Most guys need to know that they aren't the only ones who like their toes or fingers painted before they have the confidence to just do it. So it's always good to know I have inspired others to try it in public.
DeleteI'm scared to do it I've met done it
DeleteHey guys I'm back. It's the guy who's girlfriend said he needed to be more manly. Well, my decision in taking care of my hands and feet more and spicing them up a bit, got my girlfriend to do more of the same for herself. We dont really go out much and get ours done, we would rather do it from home with our own creativity in mind. I own my own business and work with gloves on all day so even a little longer nails work for me. Good luck to all the rest of You, sounds as though its all going great for you guys
ReplyDeleteIm 31 and I just had my first pedicure this past weekend. It was AMAZING!!! I decided to have the nail tech paint my nails a shiny silver to match my truck. The tech was great. My eyebrow were bad o I had her wax them to look more clean. I then went to the movies wearing my flip flops and rocking my toenail color. No one said anything. The next morning I went to church wearing my flip flops. A few of my guy friends said I was gay. I dont care what they think. I like it and who cares what others think. Its just color, like wearing a shirt or shoes. The females on the other hand said good things. Said it looked good, and that I was brave for painting them and then going in public. One even told me that the next time I go to the nail spa that she wanted to join me.
ReplyDeleteMy mom saw it and was a little surprised. I told her what the big deal? She said it looked better than they normally do. I told a few girls I work with and they laughed. One asked me why I painted them and I told her, because I wanted to. My sister said I was gay. Again, I told her it was no big deal and that I liked it.
I have decided that my toe nails will be painted from now on. I will be going back soon for another pedicure and for a polish change. I will probably be buying some BB couture polish so I can change it when I want.
i am a 23 year old male and i love polishing my nails and toes, my girlfriend doesnt condone it put doesnt tell me i cant. i was raised by my mom grand mother and aunt so i was raised painting nails doing hair and make up, i absolitely love doing these things and i love the way it looks along with the fact that i work on cars and get crud under my nails that even if i clean it it still has an ugly colored look that the polish covers. i have recently started wearing polish in public i use to take it off and only admire my nails at home, but why. i was scared. i did some research on the origin of nail polish and found that this was done by both men and women as a statement of class. so i looked further and almost everything that we are told is fem was once for men or included men especially in egypt. researching i have also found that there are many men that like to polish there nails or want to at least try it or have tried it. so dont be scared trust me you are not alone.
ReplyDeleteI have painted my nails for 8 years now. I like the look. My wife does too. Right now they are pink for breast cancer month.
ReplyDeleteHi, im 17 and i wanna paint my toes any colour, preferably a sissy pink or red buy im really scared of my family finding out ( a mom and a sister 5 years older than me) how can i secretly do this?
ReplyDeletei paint my toes and wear a toe ring too i just love how it looks and makes me excited..when someone notices when im in public...
ReplyDeleteI wish i could be confident to get a pedi and get my toes painted but i don't have the confidence to.
ReplyDeleteI would love to paint my toes light pink but im to scared to.
DeleteI've never painted my toes before so that's why im scared to do it
ReplyDeleteYour gay femanin man usually if you paint your toes . I am and do . They look gorgeous . Wish more gay men would . Have a Fab day π³️πππΈπΈ
ReplyDeleteIt's Ridiculous to think if painting your nails makes you gay or fem ....I've been doing it for a number of yrs with my wife's blessing & she occasionally picks out the color. I've mostly gotten compliments from women and an occasionally snicker from guys & kids,women, but really who cares what others think do what makes you happy ....BTW I'm 62 so I don't really care what others think ....Happy Polishing
ReplyDeleteJust found this blog and was surprised that MY toes are the main picture.
ReplyDeleteAlso, keep painting those nails guys!